Friday, April 30, 2010

#3- Go to the Montgomery County Fair

When I was asked to go to my Manager's bachelorette party, I was a little hesitant. However, when she mentioned it was at the Montgomery County Fair, bells went off in my head. Wasn't this on my list?
Yes. Yes it was.
Perfect to check one more thing off my Texas Bucket List. YAY!

Ok, I know this is not that impressive. It doesn't look awesome from the outside. But I promise there is a legit barbeque cook-off going on right behind those unimpressive white tents.

Anyway, we get there all dressed up, just chilling with work friends. Here are work friends. The one in the red sweater is me :)

I'm just gonna say, it was not really awesome. There weren't many people there, and everything was SO expensive.
Observe the tents of bad fair games.

The bride-to-be and I:

I took this cool picture. Um yeah.

Am I grasping at straws here? Nay- I am grasping at cotton candy. And it was DELICIOUS. Me and Leah eating ridiculous cotton candy.

That is my adventure! And I feel like I need to improve my blog writing skillz. So I will work on that, all you blog readers. Which is kinda weird, because I'm pretty sure no one is reading this.

1 comment:

  1. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
